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School Choice Open Enrollment

Briarlake Elementary

Dekalb County Schools

Student Absences- Withdrawals- Records Request

Student Absences- Withdrawals- Records Request

Absence and/or Attendance Excuse:
Send all Changes of Dismissal, Attendance Excuses and/or Tardy Excuses to the homeroom teacher and cc 
[email protected]. When submitting this information, please place the student's name + Purpose (ie. Early Pick-up) in the Subject Line of the email. For example: Charlie Smith: Tardy Excuse.  In the body of the email please include the event (i.e. absence/tardy), date of event, reason for absence/tardy and the Homeroom Teacher.
Parent Request for Records FORM (Printable form only) 
(2 business days to process) 

Withdrawal Request:
Send all Withdrawal Request to [email protected].  Allow 3-5 business days to process.  All devices (Chromebook, Tablets, Chargers, Hot Spots, Textbooks and Library Books must be turned in within 2 days of requesting the withdrawal, but BEFORE the child’s last day of attendance.  
Parents are responsible for all damaged items and should remit payment to the school’s bookkeeper Ms. Hamilton, [email protected]
Hot Spot: $90.00
Student Chromebook (black): $298.00       Charger: $21.00
Acer Tablet: $300.00                                     Charger: $36.00
Chromebook (Silver) $400.00                      Charger: $36.00